Nourishes the plant, promotes growth, enhances the final product and its organoleptic components
It acts as a natural enhancer of the development of crops, plants and roots, increasing the defense mechanisms of plant physiological processes. It induces the plant to develop greater resistance to pathogenic organisms (such as fungi, bacteria and viruses, phytophagous parasites); improves growth thanks to the provision of microelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron) and organic carbon contained in olive oil; improves the reprogramming mechanisms of all vegetative-productive phases of plants and prevents cellular degradation processes that can occur during this delicate phase; it is rich in oxygen and ozone deriving from oxygen, by increasing its flow rate, it improves chlorophyll synthesis, both during the bright and dark phases. Chlorophyll is a bactericide known for its anti-infective properties and is able to eliminate toxic insecticides present in the plant and/or in the flowers. OZOGEA Strengthening is indicated both in the early stages of the plant cycle and in the reproductive cycle: from vegetative rest, to the growth and replenishment of reserves, to the buds differentiation, to the growth and ripening of the fruit, bringing up all the organic nutrients present in olive and sunflower oil, furthermore favoring the strengthening of plant defenses.
The plant will have greater vigor, will be more tolerant to stresses, will give life to visually and qualitatively better final products.
It can be used in open fields or protected crops with foliar applications, irrigation and fertigation.
CORROBORANT, enhancer of plant defenses.
Substance of natural origin that improves the resistance of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses.
Olive and sunflower oil treated with ozone.
Erbagil itself has always used the Ozogea product line to nourish, protect and valorize the raw materials of our territory, which characterize all our products in a circular discourse in which “NATURE CARES FOR NATURE”.
OZOGEA STRENGTHENING (OZONE-ENRICHED VEGETABLE OIL) acts as a natural enhancer of the defense mechanisms of the physiological processes of crops and plants. It nourishes the plant, promotes growth, activates the post-infection biochemical resistance mechanisms of the plant. It induces the development of greater resistance mechanisms by increasing the defense against attacks by pathogenic organisms (such as fungi, bacteria and viruses, phytophagous parasites).
OZOGEA STRENGTHENING (OZONE-ENRICHED VEGETABLE OIL), is not classified according to EC Regulation no. 1272/2008. The product, under normal and correct conditions of use, has no harmful effects on human health, animals or the environment or other unacceptable effects on the ecosystem.
OZOGEA STRENGTHENING is indicated both in the early stages of the plant cycle and in the reproductive cycle: from vegetative rest, to the growth and replenishment of reserves, to the buds differentiation, to the growth and ripening of the fruit, bringing up all the organic nutrients present in the oil olive and sunflower, in addition favoring the strengthening of plant defenses. It can be used in open fields or in protected crops with foliar applications, irrigation or fertigation. Shake the package well and dilute the product in water according to the doses indicated below and mix for 3-4 minutes.
If you need to consult a doctor, have the container or the product label available.
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not eat, drink or smoke during use.
Dispose of product / container in accordance with local / regional / national / international regulation. Follow the instructions and methods of use shown on the label.
Data sheet
Specific References